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更新时间:2024-12-27 13:42  浏览量:37






写英语用三招数,即:“左找原因 + 观点或内容 + 右找结果”。这是因为通过其逻辑单句及其组句把内容的思想涵义表达得淋漓尽致,其中逻辑思维通过英语词、句语法的形式,彻底根除“英语作文没词写;有了词不知怎么写的顽疾”,现举“3个逻辑单句”=等于“1个逻辑组句”的例子如下:

“1个逻辑组句”=等于:(1)Being a useful tool to help people with work, (2)robot makes it easy to clean rooms and do some cooking for them, (3)to become efficient at saving trouble in their living life.(机器人是帮助人们工作的有用工具,为人们轻松打扫房间和做饭,这样有效减轻人们生活烦恼。)


A friendly and/or business-related visit is to pay to customers for a“face to face”talk. Relatively speaking, western people concentrated on the information through the written language.

When in Rome, please do as the Romans do. To say it is necessary to respect the local traditions and customers. As shown from this, arrangement should be made for locally-history exhibition and cultural-scene visit.

In comparison with this, Chinese boss speaks for himself to a foreign businessman about a subject, that is turned into a foreign language by boss's interpreter. In negotiation, frankly speaking, the bosses are encouraged to say "no" to foreign businessman, avoiding getting at loss of economic benefit days to come later, in terms of politeness.

Accordingly, I find it easy to set a value on a company with a larger assets and turnover but high profit. Based on this, one investor gets investment relations fairly established by another. Starting with a topic which is interesting to each other, for example, friendly relation and cooperation have been developed between two parties.

Combined with this, the western partners set up business relationships with suppliers, customers and other company partners who are in different market in different culture. That means some rules have to do with taboos against food-related culture or the knowledge about cultural religion.





1. 英语写作的逻辑思维:逻辑思维在英语写作中是关键,学生需要理解并运用这种思维方式以提高写作质量和效果。

2. 英语写作的模板思维:模板思维会限制学生的思想和创造力,学生应减少对模板的依赖释放出逻辑化的思想活力。

3. 英语写作的三招数:通过“左找原因+观点或内容+右找结果”的方式,学生能够以逻辑单句及其组句的形式,深入表达自己的观点和思想内涵。